Friday, October 26, 2012

Movie Review: Argo

Today's movie review is of the movie, Argo. Argo is a movie based on the true story of the 6 diplomatic personnel from the United States who escaped from the embassy before it was taken over by Iranian revolutionaries in 1980. These fugitive Americans were taken in by the Canadian ambassador. The CIA was put in charge of getting them out of the country. This was accomplished by a clever ruse of a movie being made that needed locations in Iran. The Americans were part of the "Canadian movie crew" in an attempt to get them out of the country. This is a very good movie, and very entertaining. The story could not be told at the time until it was declassified. There was one cameo by a dog which probably put the movie above budget because you know the dog cost a lot to hire for the scene. However, the studios will usually spend the money because you know what the movie executives say, "if you want a movie to be a hit, be sure it has a dog in it". I give this movie 4 paws up, a tail wag, some kisses, and a rawhide bone. On the human movie scale, I give it 10 out of 10. You can go and see this movie with confidence because it has been recommended by me, Demon Flash Bandit. Demon Flash Bandit (Movie Critic)

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