Saturday, August 20, 2016

I have some exciting news from my campaign headquarters. It is the bumper sticker which will let other species know that the best choice to lead the humans is a dog.  I would like to thank my brother William for designing my bumper sticker.  Mom had some printed, and they are printed on high quality vinyl by professionals.  You can advertise your support for a dog in the White House. The bumper stickers are listed on eBay.  Mommy might have to be hospitalized soon. Pray for her because Angel and I hate it when she isn't home.

Demon Flash Bandit (Presidential Candidate)


  1. DFB, that is a pawsome bumper stucker!! I can't vote, but I'm putting a bazillion zealies into your campaign fund, and I really hope you can defeat the hoomans!

    We'll be pawraying fur your mommy. If she has to go to the hospistol, I hope she doesn't have to stay long.

  2. You have a pawsome campaign going on DFB!

    POTP and pawyers for your Mommy.
