Thursday, July 15, 2010


Today I have some exciting news---my pal, Cairo's, site which will include some of my blogs and diary entries is live today. You can find it at
Another big site that is also live today is a new husky rescue group in Nebraska, and that group's website is

Today's blog is about garbage. It seems that an old boat has been found at the sight of Ground Zero in New York City. Is there anything the humans won't throw away? You would think they wouldn't toss a boat, but they did. Around here, I am always rescuing the most interesting Kleenexes. The humans blow their noses, and then just toss the Kleenex in the trash. I can't tell you how many of them I have rescued over the years, and the worst part is that after I have rescued a Kleenex, I find the humans have tossed it in the trash yet again. I have heard stories like this from other dogs. Sometimes they even throw perfectly good food away. I have heard the horror stories. The human cleans out the freezer and just THROWS food in the garbage. That is the dog's job--to eat the food that the human doesn't want--don't they even understand that fact? I have decided to buy a piece of land, and declare it a land fill so that the human garbage trucks will bring all the good stuff directly to me. I am going to call it Demon Flash Bandit Enterprises because it is one of the best ideas I have ever had.

Demon Flash Bandit (Discussing Garbage)


  1. I help free tissues from the khonfines of wastebaskets!


  2. I knew we were kindred spirits. Throwing away tissues is wasteful!
