Monday, June 23, 2014

Dog Included in Yearbook

Hold the applause....I am back writing another diary entry.  Never mind, I love applause so clap as much as you like!

Today's subject is something I saw on the Internet that I liked a lot.  There is a young human girl who has occasional seizures so she has a "service" dog that goes to school with her. I know this happens everyday with many people because there are many service dogs doing valuable tasks for the humans.  What makes this story different is the intelligence and good taste of the school yearbook staff.  They included the dog's picture next to hers in the yearbook.  This did my heart good.  After all, the dog was attending classes everyday with the human so the dog was also getting bored by the teachers, and probably helped a lot of the other kids get through the day.  I think Taxi is a very lucky dog to be in the yearbook.  I wonder.....are dogs allowed to sleep in class.  If so, I could go to school myself.  I get A's on naptime report cards.

Demon Flash Bandit (Dog Gets His Due)G

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