How many of you dogs out there have had a problem with a nose that is dry? I bet there are a lot of us. Now there is finally a product for those of us who want our noses to stay moist. That product is called Snoutstik. You can order it in pumpkin, rosemary, or lavender. At only $3.00 or 3 for $10.50, it is a real bargain. It would also make a great booty stuffer for the dog on the Chrismas list! You can order it on the Internet so you don't even have to go to the store to get it which is the ultimate in convenience. The address is:
I would get my order in early. I bet all the humans will be ordering it for their dogs--not to mention the dogs ordering for themselves.
Demon Flash Bandit (Talking About Snoutstik)
wow, me too I'm so excited for this coming Christmas!
It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence
Opie & Dixie thanks you for writing about Snoutstik! I noticed quite a few 'stiks' missing from our inventory this morning, only to find a stash of them hidden under Opie and Dixie's beds. Those girls... they're the REAL Bandits!