Saturday, December 2, 2017

:( Some Sad, Sad, Sad Days ahead. :(

:( Hello,

My Fellow Dog Bloggers Friends.

I know It's Been Awhile Since I Last Did a Blog About Roughly Little Under 5 Months Ago.

Let Me Explain Why I Took So Long to Write Back to you Dogs Out There.

My "Mommy/Secretary" Who Had Been Writing This Blog for the Last 7 or So Years Has Sadly Passed Away On (July 9, 2017) My Human Brother "William/Shelby" is Writing This Blog on Her Behalf of My "Mommy/Secretary" Now.

I Just Would Like to Say for All My Dogs & Humans Out Here on Behalf of My "Mommy/Secretary" My Mom as Well as My Two Human Brother's Would Like to Thank All of You Out There for Reading My Dog Blog for the Last 7 Years & Mom & Two Human Brothers Too.

Unfortunately for My Two Human Brother's They Do Not Have the Comedic Humor Like My Secretary Mommy Did.

This Will Probably Might Maybe Be The Last Blog Entry In Less My Older Brother's Writes for Me.

My Two Human Brothers are Taking Good Care of Me "Demon & Angel" Right Now.

Today Would Have Been My Mommy 62nd Woofday/Human Birthday Today on December 2, 2017

My Mommy's Facebook Page Links: If You Would Like to Comment Some Good Comments on My Mommy.

Thank You, The Readers Over the Years of Reading Me & My Mommy Blog Again Thanks. :(

"R.I.P. Mommy"


  1. Birthdays and other celebratory days are the hardest, aren't they. Sending hugs, love and keeping you close in our thoughts especially at this time of the year.
    ((((( ♥ )))))
    Petcretary Ingrid with Mr JackFeckles; Pipo(kitty), and Dalton our new doggy, a rescue from Texas.

  2. oh Demon .... I have just found out about your Mommy. I am so sad for you but know you will be taken good care of. I will miss hearing from you mate. We go back a long way, aye? We haven't been around lately as my Mum' eyes are crook but we are well and happy. Mum feels she has lost a dear friend. Take care and love and hugs to all of your family, 💕🐾💕🐾💕🐾💕🐾

  3. Sending big hugs... know how much you all must miss her...

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